World Troopers nossa mini-serie favorita, poderá ter uma 2ºtemporada, e quem informa sobre o assunto é o próprio Peche, ao ter uma pequenaconversa com seu amigo de longa data o Eduardo Briceño onde também participa deWorld Troopers, Edu pergunta se poderá ter uma 2º temporada, onde provavelmente poderá ser emMargarita que fica na Venezuela, e Peche o responde dizendo que esta totalmentecerto, então vamos aguarda e ver se eles iram levar isso adiante e fazer uma 2ºtemporada que com certeza será um máximo como a 1º.
Eduardo Brieño:
"@PECHE84: #FF back to @eduardo_bricenoamigo de toda la vida!" - Q hay d cierto de una 2da tem d world troopers?Jajaja asi sea pa margarita
Peche postou o 7º cap de World Troopers e infelizmente o ultimocap, que foi aqui no Brasil. Lembrando que World Troopers foi uma mini-seriegravada por Peche e seus amigos, onde fizeram uma viagem ao Brasil e aArgentina. Mas para a nossa tristeza infelizmente esse será o ultimo cap, ondenos deixará bastantes saudades dessa viagem incrível, onde nos fez rir bastante.
Maso bom é que provavelmente, terá uma 2º temporada, onde eu informo tudo à vocêsno poste acima, detalhe por detalhe.
Peche jpa tinha falando em sua conta oficial do Twitter sobre seu novo projeto "Panorama In Motion" , e no 1º vídeo tem nosso querido Peche, onde ele é o único que aparece e claro perfeito como sempre, e pelo que percebir o vídeo é de Peche em seu apart e de Mary,confira o vídeo:
Todas as sextas-feras muitas pessoa gostam de dar seus #FFs que significa "Follow Friday", e Mary e Peche não ficaram de fora e deram #FF's a seus amigos e principalmente um ao outro, e Peche elogiou Mary e Mary elogiou Peche:
#FF @mgabrieladfc por siempre tener esa vibra positiva ante las cosas, benas, malas... ante la vida!
Ultimo#ffes para@PECHE84porque es la persona mas locamente dedicada y comprometida que conozco. Gente como el es la que hace falta. ♥
Maria Gabriela como sempre ajudando os animais e lutando pelo justo e o certo, onde ela também participa de varias campanhas contra o maltrato dos animais. E Maria Gabriela se inrrita ao saber que na Venezuela para que os cachorros de ruas sejam mortos, e com isso Mary e Peche falaram bastante sobre essa leia na qual é horrível, pois coitados dos cachorros, e com essa Leia Mary e Peche falam bastantes sobre o assunto no Twitter principalmente Mary, e isso fez com que Mary mudasse de avatar com uma foto para ajudar na campanha para que acabem com essa lei, confira a foto:
A frase significa "Não para as matanças, Sim! a esterilização. As autoridades tem recursos para investir nas mortes e não na vida? Oque aconteceu com a ética? Só os seres humanos tem direito de viver?"
Agora confira alguns do Tweets que Mary e Peche falaram.
Mary: dormir pensando en todos los animalitos que van sufrir una agonia horrible si no los apoyamos... Luchemos por ello! Si se puede!
Peche: Que mal la manera de resolver las cosas en Venzuela y que errados los puntos de vista en el tema de los animales envenenados! Si Si de limpieza de calles se trata, espero q sigan con los "malandros" y envenen a 1000 por cada animalito e evenenaron
Gente isso é uma injustiça a Venezuela não pode fazer uma coisas dessa com os coitados dos animais, envenenados? Isso não é uma atitude horrível só quem não tem coração pra fazer uma coisa dessa, como Mary falou cade a ética? Só os humanos tem direito de viver?
A 3 anos Isa Tkm foi exibida pela primeira vez na America Latina, a nosso novela favorita, na qual além de ser a nossa favorita a escritora Mariela Romero também disse uma vez que Isa Tkm foi a melhor novela que ela já escreveu e nós somos a prova disso amamos a novela e nunca iremos esquecer, então decide falar um pouco sobre a novela que tanto amamos a novela que adoramos...
Isa Tkm 3 anos
A 3 anos Isa Tkm foi exibida pela 1 vez naAmerica Latina a 3 anos a nossas vida mudou completamente e tudo pra melhor,são 3 anos de puro amor, são 3 anos de puro sucesso, Isa Tkm foi a novela que marcou nossas vidas, Isa Tkma novela que conquistou nossos corações, e como hoje é uma data pra se comemoraé a data que se comemora os 3 anos da chegada de Isa Tkm, a data que nuncairemos esquecer... Isa Tkm a novela que nos ensinou varias coisas que já maisiremos esquece ela nos ensinou que devemos lutar pelos nossos sonhos quedeveremos ser uma amiga fiel que devemos seguir nossos corações que quandoamamos de verdade nunca deveremos desistir mesmo que existam barreiras sempreiremos conseguir destruí, além de ter ensinando varias outras coisas.
A Isa com seu jeitinho carinhoso, meigo,atrapalhado, apaixonado, elegante, palhaça, com sua voz que encanta e suasvarias outras características que conquistou nossos corações.
O Alex com seu jeitinho sedutor, com suacarinha de anjo com seu jeito que toca guitarra com seu olhar apaixonado porisso e com suas outras características ele conquistou nossos corações de umaforma inexplicável.
Linda Luna nossa gordinha favorita, quefazias bolos que nos deixava de boca aberta, com seu jeito de dançar ela é umaamiga dos sonhos, ele nos conquistou.
Cristina Ricalde, nossa vilã favorita comseu jeitinho de patricinha mas com um puro coração que o temo todo lutou peloseu amor, mas o amor dela ela tão grande que desistiu dele para que Alex fossefeliz ao lado de sua amada Isa.
Rey Galán nosso topetudo amado, mesmo comsuas pequenas armações ele conquistou nossos corações, pois no fundo ele era umsuper garoto.
Foi essa turma que tomou conta de nossoscorações desde o primeiro momento que os vimos, mas não só ele e sim a equipetoda de Isa Tkm, e umas das principais pessoas é a Mariela Romero por que senão fosse ela Isa Tkm não iria existe então ela merece todo o carinho do mundo.
After Milan...comes Paris Fashion Week-Spring 2012
Balenciaga Spring 2012
Designer Nicolas Ghesquière showed his latest collection for the famed House of Balenciaga in Paris today. According to some attendees, several of the audience benches collapsed--yes COLLAPSED--as people were taking their seats. Then, a voice came through the loudspeaker telling everyone to just "Stand Up".
Salma Hayek, at the Balenciaga Spring 2012 Show, sporting a bandage over her torn ligament (not from the collapsing benches!)
So, yes, that's how everyone got to see the newest collection, even A-List front-row celebs like Salma Hayek and Catherine Deneuve and yes, Anna Wintour was standing too! What did they see? Lots of Cristobal Balenciaga-esque shapes but modernized for 2012. Structurally sturdy yet still floaty skirts, dresses and architectural jackets...
Balenciaga Spring 2012
Bright bold colors--navy, magenta, gold, brick red, bronze, and prints--both geometric and Art-inspired. Shoulders: Out to THERE! Sloping at times. The big bold tops were perfectly matched with slimmer above-the-ankle "cigarette" pants that looked effortless and oh-so-chic.
Balenciaga Spring 2012
Easy-breezy asymmetrical tops. Contrast patch pocket details that if any other designer did them, would look almost "Fashion-School Amateur" but Ghesquiere knows how to make it all look Ultra Luxe Sporty.
Balenciaga Spring 2012
Cristobal Balenciaga 1967, Sik Gazar One Seam Gown with Matching Hat
The final dresses, in all the color-and-print-blocking glory, as well as with all those stunning sequins are sure to end up in all the top fashion magazine editorials. And then there were those hats: A major nod to the House's founding couturier for sure.
Click Below for the Full Runway Video of Balenciaga Spring 2012:
Nick and His ManBag: Nick Verreos Arrives at The Antelope Valley Mall, Palmdale California
Last weekend was my final Hosting of the "Project Style" Live Style Off events. I've been EVERYWHERE and have met SO many amazing Top Trendsetters--from all over Southern California as well as West Virginia! And not to mention: I've had a BLAST meeting all the fans, families and yes, some future "Project Style" competitors (They should really think of coming up with a "Mini-Me" Project Style for 12 and under!). But I digress, this time, I was off to the Antelope Valley Mall, in Palmdale to host "Project Style: Antelope Valley"--the Live Style Off.
Who's That Boy: Nick Verreos, Hosting Project Style: Antelope Valley
The weather was gorgeous naturally, as I drove about 6o miles north of Los Angeles toward the Mojave Desert. I arrived and got to see the wonderful signage/posters they had throughout the fabulous Antelope Valley Mall, as well as...
They even framed a photo of me in their "Guest Services" kiosk. I felt, well, VERY Special! (I "Heart" Antelope Valley Mall!)
Nick Verreos with a future "Project Style"Top Trendsetter--LOVE the knee-high sneakers and multi-colored printed top! Ten out of Ten "Nick Points"
My Palmdale "Posse": Nick Verreos with fans of Karla Deleon (and me now!!)
As always, the rules for the "Project Style" Live Style Off were simple: In the past five months, Antelope Valley's "Most Fashion-Savvy" went, submitted videos, and were voted as Finalists of their "rounds" and made it to this Live Style Off. I gave them each $200 Antelope Valley Mall Gift Cards and ONE HOUR to go shopping for a complete new look. They had to shop, style and dress themselves and showcase the results LIVE on the Stage in front of a panel of expert judges from the Antelope Valley Mall--for a chance to win a $1,000 Gift Card!!!
The Top Five Trendsetters (Left to right) Zoe April Stotz, Amanda Beard (she couldn't be there so her lovely sister modeled and shopped for her), Kimberly Backe, Frank Nadolny, and Karla Deleon--Here they are after they've gone shopping and styled their outfits, getting ready for the live Style Off, in front of A LOT of people:
Finalist Karla Deleon modeling her faux fur vest, blue blouse, shorts, floppy hat, tights and wedge heels, Project Style: Antelope Valley Mall Live Style Off
The Top Two Were:
The Boy: Our one male Finalist, 14-year-old Frank Nadolny--I think Frank ROCKED his style--he mixed his love of skateboarding, street and music into his look. I also liked all the colors and polished sense of sporty style. Frank had a bunch of fans in the audience--including his FAB family--but in addition, there were some Cheerleaders from his High School that even did a Cheer for him and Project Style (scroll down to the end of the blog to see the VIDEO!).
Kimberly Backe: I dubbed her "Mini Katy Perry" because she looked just like her! She chose a very fashion-savvy-meets-young style for her Live Style Off, combining directional elements as well as traditional Southern California style.
And The Winner Was...Kimberly!!! But let me tell you, Frank was a very close second! And like I said to ALL our Finalists--they are all Winners! I was so excited to see how the Antelope Valley Finalists really BROUGHT IT, in terms of all the eclectic and very diverse styles and especially how AMAZING the audience in the Mall was! I have to say: Antelope Valley ROCKS!!! Hope to see you Next Year!!!!
Click below to watch the HHS Cheerleaders do a little cheer for Frank:
Farmer's Market Goes Couture: Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012
Spring 2012 Milan Fashion Week just ended and one of the highlights was of course, the Dolce & Gabbana Show. As you know, D&G is finito, done. And with that, naturally there was lots of editorial, buyer and press interest on what designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana would show for Spring 2012. Here's a given: We know that Dolce & Gabbana really know how to play with a theme. They pick one and run with it. They might be holding a Campari with Soda as their running...but they're running nonetheless. You MUST watch the video (Below after the photos) to get the whole effect of the show. Let's just say that only Dolce & Gabbana could create a theme that could only be referred to as "Grandma Chic" or Nonna Chic!
Grandma's Here...And She's Looking for Cocktails: Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012
For Spring 2012, they showed lots of printed EVERYTHING--from bra tops, pleated dirndl skirts, rompers, swimsuits, and Ladies-Who-Lunch sheath dresses and suits. There was also lots of heavy applique lace...
Plastic skirts, suits and even coats, Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012
Lace and even POM POMS, Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012
Sequin Ragazze: Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012
And of course, LOTS of sequins, in every variety--from heavy be-jeweled ones to cluttered multi-colored ones. Sequins and LOTS of them, are a HUGE Spring 2012 Trend and they were right there! Front Row and Center! The accessories were also the Stars. Take a look at the crochet, lace and plastic pumps. No really, take a look, because the FIERCEST of Fashionistas will be, no doubt, wearing them next Spring/Summer:
Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012
And of course, there were the purses. I have a feeling that Domenico and Stefano sent their Design Assistants to peruse a whole lot of "vintage"/second-hand stores from New Jersey to Wisconsin--to find "inspiration" in these purses. They are so "old School" Church Lady"/Grandma, all that she's missing is her mini-bible from 1963:
Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012
Click Below for the Full Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012 Runway Show:
Após 3 anos de puro carinho,atenção,amizade,confiança,felicidade, AMOR e etc... Talvez esteja na hora de dar um paço maior, talvez esteja na hora de ir ao rumo ao altar, com véu, buque noivo no altar a sua espera entrando com seu pai., o que todos acha disso? Um sonho? Mas muitos fãs de Isa Tkm e de Isa Tk+, tem vários sonhos e um deles é que Mary e Peche se casem, mas será que isso esta mas perto que nos poderíamos imaginar? Bom é o que Mary faz nós pensarmos. Mary diz em seu Twitter algo assim " Oh baby... Acho que quero casar com você! Peche" Será que Peche pediu Mary em casamento, ou ela falou só por falar? Com certeza isso significa algo, será casamento mesmo? Vamos ver o que o nosso casal favorito fala mais sobre o assunto.
Style Week Orange County 2011Begins With "Rack Rave" Party This Friday NIGHT!!!
Nick Verreos Hosts Style Week OC 2011, beginning Friday September 30th
Southern California Fashionistas: Get Ready for Style Week Orange County®! Since 2008, Style Week OC and the Irvine Spectrum Center® have been showcasing and celebrating the Best in Southern California Fashion and has quickly become a Style Destination in everyone's Fashion Calendars.
This year, Style Week Orange County®, ups the ante as Fashion Island® joins Irvine Spectrum Center® to present the definitive style experience with designer runway shows, a fashion carnival, sneak peeks, celebrity guests, restaurant debuts and a line-up of must see in-store events.
Click HERE for all the events occurring at Fashion Island, including several by Nordstrom, a David Meister Fashion Show at Bloomindale's, Rachel Roy Fashion Show at Neiman Marcus, and many more.
NIKOLAKI by Nick Verreos/David Paul gowns at Style Week OC
I have hosted Style Week OC two years in a row and last year, I had the extreme pleasure of also debuting my NIKOLAKI Couture Spring 2011 Collection--along with my Co-Designer David Paul--at Style Week Orange County. It was such a success that I've had dresses worn by Beyonce AND Katy Perry--from that very same collection.
This year, I am excited to be hosting two fabulous nights of events as part of Style Week Orange County®: Friday Sept. 30th, 7pm, Rack Rave: *Rack Rave, the popular fashion carnival makes its second Style Week OC appearance with trend presentations, informal modeling, entertainment and fun activities in Giant Wheel Court from 7pm to 9pm. *Retailer tents include: Active Ride Shop - prize wheel--- Forever 21 - customer styling--- H&M - henna ring and bracelet tattoos--- Kaitlyn - eye makeovers--- Macy's - brow bar mapping with Benefit and fashion tarot card reading--- MaxStudio - lip makeovers with Planet Beauty--- Nordstrom - Havaianas Bedazzling, TOMSPersonalization--- Salvation - screen printing--- Target - prize wheel. **Admittance is free on a first-come, first served basis.
Cadillac Runway at Style Week OC
the second event I will be hosting is:
Friday, Oct. 7th, 7pm, Runway Glam Slam: Runway Glam Slam: Style Week OC staged events come to a close at Irvine Spectrum Center with a glam slam of three shows demonstrating different faces of design and Orange County style. *OC Surf Sport Showcase - a runway presentation shining the spotlight on the premier surf and action sport brands originating from OC. *Cadillac: Contemporary Design - a Style Week OC favorite featuring contemporary looks inspired by the Cadillac SRX, CTS V Coupe, CTS Sedan and Escalade Hybrid as interpreted by FIDM graduate designers. *Spectrum Collection - the catwalk finale presenting fall must have fashions from the center's department stores and specialty boutiques.
Click HERE for a Calendar of Events and see you THIS FRIDAY NIGHT at the Irvine Spectrum for Style Week OC 2011 Opening Night Party "Rack Rave"!! Click below for a video of Style Week OC 2010 including our NIKOLAKI Show:
Grommets, Studs, Seashell Motifs...It's Versace 1992 all over again...And I LOVE IT!
Versace Spring 2012
Last week, Donatella Versace showed her latest Spring 2012 Collection for the House of Versace in the gorgeous garden at the Via Gesù show space. The collection was very "Retro Versace". Like I had seen it before somewhere...
It's All About 1992: Versace Couture 1992 above on Naomi, Stephanie and Yasmeen--and on Lady Gaga
I had. The Versace Spring 2012 Collection had many motifs and style elements from that much-Lady Gaga loved Versace Couture 1992 time period (she's been spotted wearing A LOT from those collections lately). The grommets, the silver and gold studs, the heavily cluttered sequins, the seashell prints and motifs...
Seashell Retro: Versace Spring/Summer 1992
Donatella went back to the Versace Archives (as well she should, maybe inspired by Miss Gaga) and really referenced those years in particular for this collection. And what a surprise, they looked "fresh and new", especially to those "kids" who were probably 3 when those collections came out! But I remember darlings--I could never forget Naomi Campbell, Stephanie Seymour, Karen Mulder and Yasmeen Ghauri in those seashell printed swimsuits and those leather and gold studded gowns!!!
Versace Spring 2012
But back to the present: Versace Spring 2012 showed lots of light "candy sorbet" colors--the light blues, the lemon yellows, the aqua-greens. Lots of luscious draped and shirred silk jersey and silk chiffon added to the "prettiness".
Versace Spring 2012
And yes, those 1992'esque black gold studded skirts and tops and Seashell-motif sequined applique. Donatella also played with some asymmetry, especially with chiffon "overlay" that would "half" cover a simple and elegant sheath dress or a skirt.
Versace Spring 2012
Gowns were seductive, sexy and oh-so-Versace Red Carpet. Also in those light candy-sorbet colors. The grommeting and studded sequin detail was followed through to the final runway-stomping gowns. Now speaking of Runway Stomping...There was a "Model Down":
Poor Lindsey Wixson (American, famous for her "bee-stung" lips) came crashing down almost at the end of the Versace Spring 2012 show. Lindsey happens to be one of Donatella's faves--if not her "Muse", but the 17 year old (A Muse at 17??) came tumbling down as she tried to maneuver those towering 8" lucite stilletto wedge platforms.
She did get back up and instead of running as fast as she could out of the runway, she continued her walk with "Victory" thumbs-up hand signs. Nice Recovery Girl!!!!
If you want to see the stumble--and the Entire Versace Spring 2012 Collection Runway Video, Click Below:
O casal Maria Gabriela e Reinaldo Zavarce junto com alguns amigos foram a inauguração do restaurante "Oh! Sushi" e comentaram bastante em seus twitter onde só elogiaram o restaurante, e seu amigo Willy Martin de longa data digamos, postou em seu Twitter uma foto dele com o nosso casal favorito, e eles estão perfeitos como sempre, confira a foto:
Ontem (24) um sábado, não poderia deixar de festejar um pouquinho,ir ao cinema sair com as amigas e varias outras opções, e Mary escolheu sair com amigas, e Mary passou o sábado com suas amigas de gravações de Grachi onde elas já se tornaram grandes amigas que é Raquel Roas, Sol Rodriguez e Maria Del Pilar. Elas postaram 2 fotos dessa noite entre amigas, elas não falaram o local onde estavam ou se estavam comemorando algo, mais assim que eu achar novidades você encontrará aqui no TMP.