Top Three...NOT!
The Top Four: Viktor Luna, Anya Ayoung-Chee, Joshua McKinley, Kimberly GoldsonLast night was the
"Almost at NY Fashion Week" penultimate episode of
Season 9 Project Runway, or as some people called it, Part One of the Finale. The Top Four Designers, Anya, Joshua, Kimberly and Viktor get $9,000 and 5 weeks to complete a ten-look collection and are told that upon their return, they will be narrowed down to THREE. They go home. Mentor Gunn goes for his visits. Seeing Tim in a full-on suit and tie (looking like a bank manager) while in gorgeous
Trinidad and Tobago, was quite hilarious. Not hilarious was the fact that Miss Anya had NOTHING done--after three weeks of being home. I guess when THIS:
Is home...then all you would want to be doing is THIS:
Have cocktails by the poolBack in NYC, after their return, Tim Gunn announces that for their Final Challenge--and for the judges to decide who will go on to actually show at
Mercedes-Benz NY Fashion Week, they will have to present three looks that are "representative" of the collections they would be showing. Let's see:
Viktor Luna: Viktor's was the strongest. He had gone on a trip to Guadalajara, taken photos there which then he had made into prints. The silhouettes and styling was sleek and contemporary.
Loved that white leather and beaded motorcycle jacket. It was very Nicolas Ghesquière for Balenciaga. I did not like the leather zip-up "car wash" over-skirt. I also liked the sheer high-low gown underneath. But for some reason, visually, the no-lining, oh-are-those-your-panties look, seemed unfinished and a little "Hoochie". But here's the deal: EVERYONE is doing it--
Exhibit A: Frida Giannini of Gucci Fall/Winter 2011--but I just think it's different when shown in a multi-million dollar venue like the Gucci Runways, with the lighting and that fierce late 70's make up and styling. It works here. Don't know if it works with Viktor in a Parson's Project Runway catwalk raised podium setting.
Joshua McKinley: I liked some of the pieces he showed to the judges and had some questions about a couple of others (just like the judges).
That neoprene jacket was very Narciso Rodriguez "Scuba Chic": Loved. However, the pink pants fit weird; too wide and should have been skinnier and tighter on the model. Also, the length was too short, just about an inch and a half. Trust me kids, in fashion, an inch and a half matters. The dress was OK, but yeah, what was up with that tab? And I thought the black sheer jersey with plasticized neck was FAB.

NOT FAB...was that he paired it with black stretch leggings straight from a
Pat Benatar video. And what was the keyhole back openings? Odd. I did like the neckline and silhouette--very reminiscent of a recent Michael Kors Collection:
Michael Kors Fall 2011
Kimberly Goldson: The ladies didn't fare as well as the boys, beginning with Kimberly. I liked the black glittery gown. That look is TOO HOT for words. If you're a woman with a boyfriend, don't EVER stand next to a woman who looks like HER! EVER.
I mean, seriously, look at that SEXY BACK! 
But..."NO Sexy Back": that bubblegum pink skirt above. I get what Kimberly was going for. Lots of designers have recently "embraced" the hip-widening skirt look (
Manish Arora's recent debut collection for Paco Rabanne, for example) . However, this doesn't mean A.) It works, and B.) women will actually wear it and/or want to buy it. If an actress wore this on the red carpet: Huuuneeeyyy! I do not want to be there the next day to see the "Fashion Police" Claws!
Anya Ayoung-Chee: Finally, there was the worst. In my Recap (which incidentally begins right below!), I said that it looked as if she made the pieces in a 48-hour challenge. Actually, they look as if she made them in 3 hours!

They also seemed like clothing you could find at the
Nassau Bahamas "Straw Market". All they were missing was a big Straw hat, a towel, and the
"Make-Sure-You-Get-Back-to-the Princess Cruises ship back-in-time" notice card! The judges spent what seemed like HOURS trying to re-style her looks (as well as the other finalists, PS: Aren't they FINALISTS???) and saying what a mess they all were. And then, she was IN!
Well, I have a couple things to say about all that:
"One Day You're IN, and The Next Day...You're IN!" This episode is definitely going to get the fans riled up! I can already see the comments here. I don't know if the producers planned it this way, as it's always good to have people talking (or so they say), but they certainly aren't playing it safe this season. We're down to the Top Four, and Heidi states adamantly that they still have one more Final Challenge to narrow down the designers to the Top Three, and ultimately, who will show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. This is repeated over and over again throughout the episode. But then, right at the end, it's changed to "Psych! Just Kidding! Y'all are IN!" What happened?
$900 Per Look
Let's rewind a little bit: As the episode begins, Heidi greets our Top Four and gives them $9,000 and five weeks to create a 10-look collection. That's a very short time, but honey, I've done TWENTY-plus-piece collections in the same amount of time so, no sympathy here. Also, if my calculator works correctly, this means they each get to spend $900 per look – for fabric and accessories. No money can be spent on any pattern or sewing (hired help). At $900 a look, they better be AMAZING! Finally, before saying "Until next time," Heidi adds, "Only THREE will get to go on ... to NY Fashion Week." Not "MAYBE three of you" (as she has done in the past). No, "THREE."
Here's Your MetroCard ... Now Go!
The designers go home. For New Yorkers Joshua and Viktor, this means "Congrats! Here's a one-way MetroCard! Now get to cuttin' and sewin'!" Kimberly goes to Maryland, and Anya heads to Trinidad and Tobago. Three weeks later, it's time for the "Tim Visits"...
CLICK HERE top read the rest of my Rant...ooops, I mean RECAP on! And make sure to tell me what you thought too! I read them all!!! With a piña colada pretending I'm in a hammock somewhere in Trinidad and Tobago!!!
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